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Artist Statement

Anjana Varghese is a UK-based doctor, who is a self-taught artist.'

''For me, painting is a way to creatively express my emotions, while capturing the natural beauty of the world. I mostly love to paint landscapes, and several of my paintings are inspired from the photos I took whilst on my travels. I desperately want my viewers to feel the awe and amazement I felt when I visited those beautiful places. I am a keen traveler and a wanderer at heart. I want my audience to experience the wanderlust through my paintings and feel the freedom it brings. Art provides a peaceful escape from the modern-day busy life, into a world of unknown and uncertainty. Painting is therapeutic for the mind in ways which I cannot quite explain through words. With each brush stroke, you are effortlessly communicating with the blank canvas, in order to turn it into a masterpiece. Every painting provides new challenges and opportunities to improve your skills and explore new techniques.''. 

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